Who would have guessed that this spotlight is happening all thanks to Craigslist! Norton National’s original promo girl, McCall Peck, literally started with the Mascot Organization from ground zero and worked her way to staffing their mascots for a yearly Las Vegas event and national events throughout the year. 

Starting their company in 2002, The Mascot Organization believes in the importance of the emotional connection between fans, and the mascots when they get to meet. By taking that philosophy, they work to staff and consult for events around the nation that are in need of mascot representation. Some of their top clients include Kellogg’s, DreamWorks, Time Warner Cable, and PBS. 

Before Norton National was the empire it is today, McCall was working promotions on her own to make some extra cash (check out her full story here), and came across a Craigslist posting for a mascot that was needed. Specifically, they were looking for Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba! Throughout the years after that, The Mascot Organization continued to come to Las Vegas, year after year for the Licensing Expo held at Mandalay Bay, and McCall continued to help staff the event for them, along with additional events that take place across the nation. Need a mascot in a remote part of Pennsylvania? We’ll find one! 

This relationship eventually grew from McCall working for The Mascot Organization, to Norton National working with The Mascot organization. Some of our most challenging and out-of-the-box requests have come from these great clients, and we appreciate the creativity we get to have every time that we work with them!