2020 sure has thrown us all for a loop. Fire tornados, COVID, Kobe, you name it, it’s happened! When Norton National came back to the office after taking “the COVID hiatus”, we began to brainstorm different project ideas that we could jump back into and develop while the world was on hold. From planning, grew and blossomed the Norton National Book Club!


Why a book club you may ask?  Well, my first answer to that is, “Why not a book club?”. If you know Norton National, you know that we roll with the punches, and the idea of cool and new things excites us! Besides, reading a book a month was on everyone’s goal list, so hey, why not? We also love to make connections and build relationships with people, and what better way to do so than with a fun group that meets every week? We like to say most chit-chat is 90% book talk, and 10% gossip. 

Our book club has become a versatile and COVID friendly activity that has allowed us to connect with a group of women (men are always welcome) through social distancing. And when the coast is clear, our club will provide the opportunity to come together again! Who knows… Maybe at an extravagant Las Vegas retreat (wink, wink). The club has become a getaway that we get to look forward to in these crazy and sometimes unproductive times, and allows us to have a goal again. So, while we may not all be snuggled up on the conference room floor together, Norton National Book Club is the place to be for some good books, laughs, and maybe even a glass of wine. 


Interested in joining? Check out our Facebook page here!