Think tracking metrics and growth only matters for Fortune 500’s? Think again. Mom and pop shops benefit from tracking their growth as well. #teamNortonNational is here to give you the skinny on the importance when tracking the growth of your social media. 


Awareness, engagement, and consumers are three key factors when it comes to social media tracking. 




Tracking awareness helps a brand get a grasp on the current audience and any potential new followers that a brand may attract. Always try to make new friends! Impressions and reach are the two big metrics that go into a brand’s awareness. Impressions are how many total people are seeing the posts, and reach is how many times the posts are showing on someone’s feed.


Want an easy way to view detailed analysis of page impressions? Facebook has the tools you need. Head over to the “insights page” and see all the information Facebook provides for likes, total number of impressions, as well as gains and losses of likes over a period of time. 


The number of people a brand reaches, both within and outside of their audience, is called “reach”. You’ve heard that “word of mouth” is the best and most effective way to market, right? Well, virtual sharing with friends and connections will increase the company’s page reach. The focus should be less on creating a market, and more about creating a community around the brand.




Engagement represents how people are interacting with the content being released into the world. How much a brand’s audience is liking, commenting, mentioning, sharing, and clicking on their content is the root of tracking engagement.  


Most social networks will have some sort of tracker built into a business account that can help measure engagement. Having the highest possible engagement count is the goal. 


Buckle in, because you’re about to get educated on some mathematics. The post’s engagement rate is the number of engagements divided by impressions ER=E/I. A higher engagement rate indicates a higher viewing rate due to your content being compelling and therefore…you know this one…engaging! 


Fun little tip alert! A brand can boost engagement by posting at times where traffic to that site is the highest. The best times are different depending on who your target audience is, but generally, the highest traffic times are as follows. *

  • Facebook: Wednesday, 11 a.m., and 1–2 p.m. 
  • Instagram: Wednesday at 11 a.m. and Friday from 10 a.m.–11 a.m. 
  • Twitter: Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. 
  • Linkedin: Wednesday from 8–10 a.m. and noon, Thursday at 9 a.m. and 1–2 p.m., and Friday at 9 a.m.




Cliche or not, the customer is always right! A brand’s top priority should always be increasing customer relations. Consumer relations are all about how people feel about a brand. 


A brand should be encouraging customers to leave reviews. Girl Power equals customer testimonials power! Surveying and understanding your customers’ reviews are crucial to the development of your brand. Listen and adapt to what your customers are saying both good and bad. 


Norton National cares about what our clients and talent, feel and think. Post-event, when we do our own housekeeping, besides updating our CRM, adding client anniversaries, etc., we also send out our “How’d we do?” email that links to our Google Review and Trusted Herd pages. Want to learn where your raving fans are and what people love about you? Do this! (and… Don’t take our word, go review for yourself the word of mouth our fans have created about us). 


If there are happy testimonials, then people are more likely to share their good experience with others 🙂 This gains the trust of any future team members, or clients, and boosts street cred. 


Shameless plug alert!  Follow Norton National on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest for more updates from the Sparkle Squad. 

