Mascots are a great way to build brand recognition and make your event come alive. As a mascot, your role is so important in bringing joy to your audience and magic to your event! From interacting with people to acting, and spending long hours in a hot suit, we know that being a mascot can be tough work! We want to leave a lasting impression on the audience that keeps them feeling warm and fuzzy. So here are some tips to help you be an awesome mascot.

Stay Healthy

Being a mascot takes a lot of energy, so it is important to be physically prepared for this commitment by getting plenty of sleep, water, and food. We know that binge-watching Netflix till 4 am can be tempting sometimes, but remember to get at least 8 hours of sleep before your shift so that you are well-rested and ready to go! Don’t let sleep deprivation get in the way of your performance. Remember that water will be your best friend! It can get super hot in that suit and dehydration can set in real quick, so it is extremely important to make sure that you take breaks and stay hydrated. Lastly, make sure that you eat plenty of food beforehand so that your stomach isn’t grumbling all day. Fasting is never a good idea before a long shift, so make sure to munch on a healthy snack before reporting to work so that you can be fully energized for your performance. Being a mascot is definitely a workout!

Stay in Character

You don’t just want to sell your brand; you want to sell an experience! For this reason, you should stay in character/act the part at all times when within the public eye. Practice different mascot techniques beforehand in order to make your job easier! Remember to display proper mannerisms such as using body language instead of words, being a good listener, and knowing when certain actions are appropriate or inappropriate. Overexaggerate the character to the best of your ability. Have fun with it! This is your time to put your acting skills to the test but without all potential embarrassment because you are wearing a mask.

Be Professional

We understand that being a mascot can be silly and fun most of the time, and that is OKAY! Regardless of the nature of the job, remember that it is still important to maintain a manner of professionalism. Arrive early for your shift so that you allow yourself time to get situated and ready to perform! Be sure to pay attention to your audience/crowd control, and know when it is appropriate for you to take a break. Most of all, make sure that you are fully aware of and prepared to work during your scheduled shift. 


Being a great mascot means being fun and energetic. This is your time to let loose and act like a goof because no one knows who you are. So give it your all! If you are interested in being a mascot for an event, head on over to our work with us page and submit an application!