Whether you are a brand ambassador team lead, captain of a team, head chef, or the Head Honcho, being a leader is a big responsibility. Not only is being a leader about the role you play to your entity but how you are able to inspire and lead the people that are working under you. Below are a couple of examples of how your great leadership will influence those around you.

Improved Morale

Positive morale should be a high priority for any leader, in any situation. Taking the extra step to help your employees feel valued or small mood boosters throughout the month (birthday celebrations are our jam) allows your team to feel appreciated! In return, they will be more devoted to the team, respond positively to your leadership, and feel motivated and excited to be accomplishing the team goals. 


Stronger Trust

In many ways, the reason you’re a leader is that the team underneath you has put their trust into you, and believe that you will lead them in the right direction. Ways to build trust can be open communication, showcasing past failures and triumphs, or being consistent with your leadership style (I would stay clear of the random trust falls). By building that trust with your team, relationships will improve, and a stronger foundation will be formed and built upon.

Better Communication

The foundation of any good relationship, communication. With so many forms of communication available, finding one that works best for you and the team is important. When the team feels like they can talk openly and honestly with their leader, working well together will become easier. This will also encourage them to bring their ideas and concerns to you, which will overall benefit the team.  

Clear Objectives

Clear expectations are met expectations. Mic drop. Team expectations, objectives, and long-term plans are all important information that a leader needs to provide to their team. This allows everyone to be on the same page, and have similar goals. Celebrating achieved milestones and goals will motivate the team to work together, and push each other to succeed.

Positive Values That Flow Down

When embodying positive values in your everyday life and as a leader, you are giving those under you the ability to pick up those same values and apply them to their work and home life. Honesty, integrity, commitment, and reliability are just some values that a great leader should have. There will be many situations of monkey see, monkey do, in all sorts of scenarios where values will be able to be seen and taught. The goal should be to teach these values and why they are important, in hopes that your team will start to embody and create them as well. 


One of the most valued parts of being a leader should be the knowledge and traits that can be passed on to those below you and the ability to hopefully help them transfer into being a leader of their own someday. Take a look at our website to find upcoming events to apply for and showcase your leadership skills.