I think we can all agree to put 2020 behind us and start brainstorming New Year’s Resolutions for 2021. Now, our plans for New Year’s 2021 are going to be drastically different from celebrations of the past. Celebrating in the middle of Las Vegas’s icon Strip, with thousands of people, will be traded in for more time on the couch, in front of a festive New Year’s movie. Our resolutions may look different, too. Maybe you’ll renew your focus on health or you may be tired of thinking about meals and your waistline. In that case, you can turn your sights on your mental health, or your sleep routine, or the mess in your living room, or how to separate your home office from your home. 


Resolutions are a big deal to #teamNortonNational. We are a group of go-getter gals that have big dreams, and we love to make goals for ourselves and achieve them. 


Here are some of the best resolutions for 2021!


Find a Work-Life Balance that Fits You — Whether you are still working from home in 2021 or are back in the office, try to find a work-life balance that fits into your life. 


Spend 5 Minutes a Day Tidying Up — Spend a quick minute before you climb into bed each day picking up any clothes, shoes, or that coffee mug you’ve been meaning to take downstairs for 3 days now. Waking up to a clean room is a great way to start your day. 


Become a Plant Parent — Give yourself a little more responsibility. We believe in you!


Take the Stairs Instead of the Elevator — The “work out more” resolution is so played out and hard to stick to. Try something simple instead, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. 


Time Block Your Day — You’ll find time to squeeze a little more fitness into your busy days and sane strategies for decluttering your hectic life by time blocking your day. McCall swears by this one….


Read 1 Book a Month — Itching for a good read? Join a book club like Norton National’s to hold you accountable, or get a library card. 


Listen to More Audiobooks — Paperbacks not really your jam? There are great free resources available where you can use your library card to listen to any audiobook you can dream of!


Volunteer — 2020 has taught us the importance of coming together as a community and helping each other during trying times. Try to volunteer more this year. 


Eat One Plant-Based Meal a Week — Not getting enough vegetables? Try to eat more plant-based meals this year, they are good for your body and our planet! 


Make it Personal — Sometimes picking a generic resolution isn’t always the most attainable. I have found that when I tailor my resolutions toward myself, they are much more achievable. For example, I was consistently letting my car’s gaslight turn on and quickly needing to stop and get gas at the closest station. My goal, now, is to always fill up my gas tank when the dial gets to ¼ full. And guess what? So far I’ve achieved my goal!


Whatever your resolutions might be in 2021, we hope that you achieve every goal you set for yourself. #teamPink hopes that you have a safe and healthy year. Most importantly PEACE OUT 2020!!!