Whether it’s creating a personal brand for a business or person, taking the time and effort to be authentic, personable, and interesting is important. The girls here at Norton National sat down with Ryan Chowansky to learn more about personal branding, chatting tricks, and some new terms. Interested as to why we’re doing these education sessions? Get all the answers here.



Personally, my favorite trick that was taught from our meeting with Ryan was the 3×3 method. When making content and finding yourself stuck on what to talk about, the 3×3 method gives an easy breakdown and outline to follow. This method ensures great content by covering the main talking points of a topic.  Here is an outline that can be used: 


3 Main topics to market/showcase for: Two Good Yogurt

  1. 80 calories per container
  2. 0 added sugar
  3. An abundance of flavors 


Three main talking points have been selected for the product. Now, let’s take it one step further : 


Main topic to market/showcase : Two Good Yogurt

  1. 80 calories per container
    1. Great for those looking for a low calorie snack
    2. Will fill you up without too many calories
    3. Great option for portable snack vs fast food with higher calorie content
  2. 0 added sugar
    1. Healthy alternative to sugary yogurts
    2. Fits into a multitude of different diets
    3. No added sugar is good for your teeth and overall health
  3. An abundance of flavors 
    1. Good variety for those who eat yogurt often
    2. Good for picky eaters
    3. Different flavors = different “mix in” options

Clear as mud, right? Take 3 main topics and break each down with 3 sub-topic = 3×3! This method serves as the perfect outline for talking points that everyone can relate to. Keeping a positive conversation going about the product will no longer be an issue. 

Video Business Cards


In this world of personal branding and creating content (keyword creating), there can be different, fun, and unique ways to showcase yourself and your brand. The new trend of video business cards is becoming popular. The short two and half to five minute video (unless you’re chatty like our Head Honcho) can include the story of you, your products and/or services. Including your team and culture will help you sparkle and shine. Putting a face and personality to your brand or company allows people to connect and invest themselves in you! I mean, who would see us, Norton National girls, and not want to work with us!? 


Lighting & Audio


Are you an Instagram boyfriend or girlfriend? If you know, you know. One slight step to the left and boom, your lighting is “on point”! Lighting is the most important tool when taking pictures or videos. As Ryan would say, “oxygen to us, is like the lighting to a video”. You can find light almost anywhere, and use almost any type of camera. Different types of lighting include : 

  • natural lighting (being outside, windows)                                 
  • lamps (removing the lamp shade)
  • screen lighting (tv or laptop screen)
  • professional lighting


Next to lighting, audio is a major component of any video that is being published. When audio is clear and concise, so will the message. Distractions and noises in the background are always frowned upon. Examples of background noise that you may have not noticed are : 

  • fans
  • traffic
  • air conditioner
  • tv


Vlogs vs. Video Podcasts


Vlogs vs. video podcasts. What’s the difference you may ask? The team had an “OHHHHHHH” moment when we dove in a little deeper with Ryan. While some people may use them interchangeably, a vlog is considered to be a video that documents your everyday activities. Vlogs consist of short videos that have a call to action for your viewers. This could entail visiting your blog or website for more information. In regards to a video podcast, find ways to be more conversational. Include two people conversing over a topic, or someone presenting information on a planned subject. Other videos that you may see, like tutorials, can be considered to be a video podcast. While vlogs & video podcasts are presented differently, both should be authentic and interesting to your audience. 


As Norton National enters the social world, it was great to sit down with Ryan while he brain dumped his knowledge on us! Take a look at our new website to explore more of our new branding.


Check Ryan out on social media! @ryanchowansky