Norton National is known to roll with the punches, but when #Covid19 hit, we decided to punch back! Quarantine was a time to reflect on how Team Pink was going to turn a page to something new. “What better time than now, to expand the team and dive into education,” thought Head Honcho, McCall Peck


A few emails and phone calls later, the squad was touring local vendors and providers to brain dump their knowledge.


When thinking about our clients and their requests, we realized; while the boss babes know a lot, more knowledge equals more power. If the world had to stop in its tracks, that didn’t mean our team had to. So we ceased the “downtime” to kick up the team’s knowledge to better serve our clients, our staff, and our operations. A perfect example of this would be paper. Now I understand, it’s not the most exciting business in the world, (unless your name is Michael Scott) but Norton National receives multiple flyer marketing projects a year. Learning about paperweight, gloss type, and sizing is all important information to provide to our clients. So what did we do to educate ourselves? Set up an education series with the one and only Bill Houghton at Horizon Print Solutions, naturally! This is Norton National University “sit-downs”. 


The educational series doesn’t stop there though. Throughout the course of the upcoming months, we’ll be releasing different “sit-downs” with all of the amazing professors in their specific industry. Some are clients, some are friends, and most of them are both. A sneak peek of some of our topics include sponsorships, branding, liquor, and insurance. For a small or large scale event, Norton National University will teach it all. 


While the girl gang is determined to grow Norton National, we want to educate ourselves in all ways possible, and in return, educate you! To continue reading Norton National University “Sit Downs” click here.