Today’s the big day! It’s event day!!! You’re onsite and managing an event all day long, and you just have “that feeling” that you’re forgetting something. Good thing Norton National’s been around the block a few times and has the essential list to successfully crush event day! 

1. Sharpie: Have to label something? Making a quick note? Hosting an on-field autograph session after the soccer game? A sharpie is the ultimate tool in a multitude of ways.

2. Comfortable Shoes: Thinking about starting your day off in your fancy kicks, we admire that. We also know that you’ll have a long day on your feet and by the end of the day, you’re going to want those comfy shoes! Did you know, Crocs makes wedge heels?

3. Ponytail(s): A classy ponytail or an end of the day messy bun, a hair tie will ALWAYS come in handy, even if you’re rocking the man-bun. 

4. Water, water, water: Us ladies always prefer the pink Hydro Flask, but whatever floats your boat! Staying hydrated throughout the day will not only keep your energy up, but will nip that dehydrated headache in the butt. 

5. Snacks: A favorite in the Norton National office. Having a Snickers moment…the last thing anyone needs is a hangry manager throughout the day. 

6. Portable Charger: Just like your body, you have to keep your phone charged all day long! A handy dandy portable charger will be your lifesaver when that battery starts flashing red. Bonus points if you have a charger that will bring your laptop back to life, too!

7. Deodorant: Let’s assume that this one is pretty easy to understand. Don’t be that person that everyone makes the stank face to. 

8. Hi-Viz: Yes, you guessed it, Norton National owns pink hi-viz! Whether pink, or any other color, a high visibility vest or article of clothing is always a good wardrobe option on site. 

9. Ibuprofen: From sore feet, to headaches, to anything in between, the trusty ibuprofen will be your best friend. 

Whether us ladies at Norton National are onsite at 4:00am for a labor shift, or managing a 7-day event in Atlanta, you’ll find us checking all of these items off our list when getting ready for the day. My personal favorite? Definitely the snacks! 

This simple list will be your key to keeping sane and taking care of yourself on event day! Interested in working with Norton National for your next event? Check out our services here