Stop…. Wait a minute. Do you know what a Z-Rack is? Me neither, until I started with Norton National. Check out this z-rack beginners’ blog before you read this epic timeline on how we got into this biz.

Made a venue vendor love us 

Through working an event, we dazzled a vendor who had connections to other clients. 

(all about those connections in this business)

That vendor then referred us to a new client

Drum roll, please… Jack Morton! (for those of you who don’t know, big deal alert in the production and event world). They just happened to need a coat checking service for a 4,200 person event. Had we done this before? Nope. Did we have the supplies? Nope. But true to our tagline, “I’m sure we can figure that out”. Besides our Head Honcho never turns down an opportunity to grow the business!

We struck a deal for their event and needed the z-racks

By chance, a local Sears was closing and needed to sell their racks ASAP.  Insert McCall’s negotiation skills… Hmmm.

From there, we put on our first coat checking event with the new racks

This was of course after a truck debacle and missing hangers. Along with lists of other supplies that we needed.

And, here we are! 

We’ve done multiple events with Jack Morton and Google, providing them coat checking services with our lovely z-racks. If you’re looking to add an extra sparkle experience to your event, whatever it may be, team Norton National is here for you!