A #1 New York Times Bestseller, this depression-era set novel will take you through the journey of five extraordinary women, and their lives in the Kentucky mountains and beyond.

1. What initially drew you to read this book? 


McCall: “One of the active members in our book club suggested it for the group, so we went for it!”


2. Would you recommend this book to someone else? Why or why not?


McCall: “Hmm. I don’t think so. It was written well, and a good story, but personally it was tough for me to get through.”


3. Who would you recommend reads this kind of book?


McCall: “Anyone who is interested in historical fiction, passionate about the movement of women, education and literacy, and enjoys a good “lovers” drama.”


4. What do you believe is the correlation between the book title and the story?


McCall: “Honestly- stumped. Again, I didn’t really overly love this book.” 


5. Were there any quotes from the book that really stuck out to you?


McCall: “There is always a way out of a situation. Might be ugly. Might leave you feeling like the earth had gone and shifted under your feet. But there is always a way around.” and “Some things are a gift, even if you don’t get to keep them.”


Overall Score:


McCall: 2.5/5


At the end of each month, check out our reviews for each book that we read that month! Up next? The Guest List by Lucy Foley.