Hometown: Las Vegas, NV

Favorite part about working at Norton National: Building Dreams! 

Amount of Time Worked at Norton National: Head Honcho, AKA business owner


Our Harry Potter fanatic, Starbucks brownie lover, world traveler, the one and only Head Honcho, McCall Peck. To the client she is the ball of energy go-getter that will make your event sparkle and be memorable. In the office she is our fearless leader, humming with her headphones in as she makes personal connections with our clients. Building Norton National from the ground up, McCall embodies the “has done every job in the office” title. From, “hey let’s do conversion labor” to “hey, let’s buy some AV equipment” and all the “heys” in between, we dare you to find something she can’t figure out. 


In the meantime while you’re thinking about that, take a look at her “this or that” to learn a little more about the Head Honcho of Norton National. 

This or That?


Dog or Cat?

Phone Call or Text?

Pancakes or Waffles

Chocolate or Vanilla?

Swimming or Sunbathing?

What’s worse: Laundry or Dishes?

Sneakers or Sandals?

Online Shopping or Shopping in a Store?

Passenger or Driver?

Most important in a partner: Intelligent or Funny?

At a movie: Candy or Popcorn?

Pen or Pencil?

Cups in the cupboard: Right Side Up or Upside Down?

Coke or Pepsi? Neither!

TV or Book?

Ocean or Mountains? 

Horror Movie or Comedy Movie?

Card Game or Board Game?

Dine In or Delivery?

Sweater or Hoodie?

When sleeping: Fan or No Fan?

Morning or Night?

 Summer or winter?

Pink or black

Guac or Salsa?