Part of being an entrepreneur is the pride you get from knowing that you accomplished and made something that is all yours (maybe even some bragging rights). However, whether you are starting off with just a great idea, or are 5 years in and looking to grow, you may be looking for someone to guide you or give a new insight. Below are 5 reasons why a mentor could benefit you and your business!



They Provide Information, Knowledge, and Coaching

The most obvious and one of the most important benefits of having a mentor is having someone that will share their knowledge and experiences with you. Whether they are stories of their successes or failures, any knowledge should be taken as a value and stored away in your mental filing cabinet. While there are different structures of having a mentor: meeting once a week, the occasional check-in and coaching sessions, or nightly sob sessions, your mentor should be someone that is able to help you grow. 



They’re “Outsiders” Looking In

Sometimes a little outside perspective is beneficial for growth and ideas for a business. It’s their job to be honest and realistic, even if it is hard to sometimes hear (insert a child with their hands over their ears yelling “lalalalala”). This constructive criticism will help you see things that you may not be able to recognize yourself, good or bad! Although it may be difficult, putting your ego aside every once in a while could be widely beneficial for yourself and your business.



They’re Great Sounding Boards

Whether you are just starting your own business or have years invested, the role of an entrepreneur is to constantly create and evolve business as time goes on. Mentors are great to bounce ideas off of and talk through the pros and cons of different ventures you would be interested in. Some of your ideas may align closely with projects that your mentor has worked on and their insight could be incredibly valuable. 



They Can Connect You With Other Great People

The mentor role can be a fun and interesting one! While not only sharing their knowledge with you, they are a great resource to connect you with like-minded people in your field. Many mentors have years of experience over you and will have a portfolio of connections that could be a great asset to your company. On the flip-side of that, here at Norton National, we are always looking for great talent and most mentors have a great pool of people that they love to endorse and recommend.



They’re Free

While free, mentors can be priceless. Many mentors are found through industry connections and are driven by sharing their knowledge and experiences in your same field. The satisfaction of helping another entrepreneur, sharing their successes and failures, and paying their knowledge forward is more fulfilling than the compensation itself.


“Having a mentor is not a sign of weakness; it shows you are smart enough and are driven enough to succeed”  – John Rampton