You wouldn’t scowl, slouch or sit on your phone during an interview, so why would you on the job?! If you want to increase your positive reviews as a brand ambassador, we suggest reviewing these tips on what it takes to “bee” professional.

Bee Prepared

Plan ahead. You should know how long it will take you to get to the event, the parking situation and what you should be wearing. Don’t wait until you are there to decide that you should have brought a snack and better shoes. Most importantly, show up on time. Nothing sets the tone like punctuality. Your client is a busy bee and has a plate full of things to worry about—your location shouldn’t be one. As we like to say, fifteen minutes early is on-time and on-time is late.

Bee Aware of Expectations

Knowing the expectations is the only way you can exceed them, and people who exceed expectations stand out as a queen bee (or king bee?). As a brand ambassador—or anyone really, it’s pertinent to be the most dedicated worker bee so that you’ll be hired back. You can measure your personal success by knowing whether or not you met the goals that the client set for you, as well as your own.

Bee Positive

A brand ambassador is basically a synonym for the Energizer bunny (& the energizer is pink, so we are all about that). Eye contact and toothy grins attract other people and help get your brand noticed. So, keep those smiles big and the energy bigger—you shouldn’t need to fake it ’til you make it, just be as sweet as honey.

Bee Flexible

Not everything goes right. You might stumble over your words, forget something or lose someone’s interest. You can’t keep a positive attitude or meet expectations if you constantly let little things get you down. Flexibility helps you to calmly adapt to changes that can occur at any minute. Let change and failure happen and roll with the punches. When you prepare and do your best to have a positive attitude, it’s easier to be more flexible!

Bee There

You know that moment when you’re telling someone a story and instead of listening, they’re scrolling through their Facebook feed? Not only is it annoying when someone’s attention is focused on their phone instead of you, but it’s also just plain rude. Don’t be that person who’s supposed to be working, but is on their phone. Be there. Give the job and the people your full attention.


These tips can help set you apart as a professional, hard worker. There may be things you can’t prepare for, but if you follow these tips we can guarantee that you’ll float like a butterfly and sting like a bee!