Have you ever felt discouraged by an opportunity because you know you didn’t qualify for it? We’ve all been there, but from our experience, we’ve cultivated a list of certifications you can add to your resume that will help you better qualify for more opportunities.

Certifications stand out. They jump off your resume screaming, “Pick me! I know what I’m doing!” But which certificates and licenses should you have to really set you apart? Here are just a few to get you started:


Contractor Certification

If you are a construction whiz and you’ve got the talent and hard-working attitude to work on a labor build, we say go for it! While certifications are not required to work in construction management or labor, it is becoming more popular. It’s what shows other people that you have experience. Certifications can be earned through the American Institute of Constructors and the Construction Management Association of America. 

You never know when your ample knowledge of HVAC systems or crane operating license will set you apart from the rest!


Alcohol Serving Certification

Have you had your eye on that beverage distribution model job, but feel like you aren’t experienced

enough for it? Being certified may help you develop the experience you need! Twenty-one states have laws dealing with alcohol serving, and if you want to work in an industry that serves alcohol, you’ll probably need a serving certificate. Even if it’s just to amp up your resume, an alcohol-serving certificate never hurts. While some states take a simple approach to their serving courses, other states, like New Mexico, require more vigorous training and extensive knowledge. Certificates from these courses can last anywhere from one year to five years.


Food Handler Certification

There’s bro code, girl code, and then, there’s health code. As a brand ambassador, the last thing you want to do is break the health code by not having a food service card. Food handler cards are basically a must in the food industry. However, every state is a little different! Make sure to acquire the certification that your state requires and what the business prefers. Some states require food manager certification exams, while others only require the mandatory state food handler training certificate/card.


Non-Official Certifications

If you already have some official certifications, or not, and you are looking to boost your brand ambassador experience, try completing some non-official certifications. Field Team Academy is an example of where you could go to learn more about field sales, marketing, and merchandising! Or you could try becoming certified in Microsoft Excel or Google Analytics. While most certifications will cost you some time and money, it is a small price to pay for the experience!   


These are just a few examples of certifications that will push staffing agencies to notice you. At Norton National, we believe in doing everything you can to stand out (our logo is bright pink, you know) and certifications can do that for you.

Know of any other helpful certificates? Let us know by leaving a comment.