Brand Ambassadors are an excellent way to promote your business without physically getting out there and doing it yourself. They act as your company’s biggest fans and by using word of mouth, they can create a buzz around your company. The basics: content marketing, social media, email marketing, etc, just aren’t cutting it anymore! Brand ambassadors help spread the word about what you’re doing to more people than you could reach on your own

It’s impossible to be everywhere

Going to trade shows, parties, and other networking events right when you’re starting out can be intimidating. But when you connect with potential partners or clients; all of the time, money, and resources will be worth it. 

But the good news is that you can hire a brand ambassador to do all of that for you. Especially when you find like-minded people who would be at the event already. It’s very unlikely that you’re going to travel to all of these conventions all year just to promote your business. By hiring a brand ambassador, you’re guaranteeing that your message gets out there even when you aren’t around.

Getting consumers perspective

You should always be spending time on research and development in order to make your business the best it can be. However, when you’re so invested in making the product better, the customer views get lost. This is when brand ambassadors come in

They are active in the field getting direct feedback from real people. This is much more organic than holding a study or focus group. They can give you ideas of what the competition is up to and how that compares to your product evolution. 

Create a space where the brand ambassadors feel like they can share openly about what people are saying about the product. It might not be what you want to hear all the time, but this is very valuable information that could greatly impact your sales. Also, try giving your ambassadors early access to anything new that is getting put out into the market. You can get their first opinions on what needs to be changed. 


If a scandal occurs, or you receive bad press, a brand ambassador can be there to protect your reputation. They can provide personal experiences with your company that are positive and can put you in a better light. 

They put faces to an otherwise faceless brand and create trust among consumers. Only around 14% of consumers trust advertisements whereas, 78% of consumers trust their peers. Brand ambassadors have immense credibility because people see them as being objective and believable.